Acer 'Moonrise': the stunning new introduction by Hillier Nurseries at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016
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Munn's Nursery, Inc.

Wholesale Nursery Specializing in Japanese Maples since 1975

To Our Customers

As we celebrate our 40th year of operation we wish to thank our customers for their support and confidence in our product and service. We understand that your continued success is the foundation of our progress.

With that thought in mind, we have found ourselves looking back at what has sustained our business and enabled us to grow. The factors that we continually arrive at are quality customers, a quality product and unsurpassed service.

Each year we strive to provide our customers with a better product that will surpass their needs and increase their bottom line making your job easier and more profitable.

We continue to propagate and evaluate new cultivars that we feel will provide your customers with problem free plants to admire, enhance their surroundings. We continue to expand our container programs offering smaller sizes for the retail trade.

We plan to utilize availability lists to give our customers an up to date look at new materials being offered. Please make sure we have your email address to keep you up to date.

Munn’s Nursery, Inc. is pleased to present you with our Plant Guide. Again, we thank you for 40 years of trust in our ongoing business partnership.


It is our goal to send you the higest quality best grade material available. Customer service and complete satisfaction is our first priority. We always welcome your suggestions and comments. We invite you to visit our nursery, please call in advance so that we can schedule the appropriate time needed.

Carl & Shirley Munn, Munns's Nursery, Inc.

Our Varieties, by Group: